Totally random, but I really like Salt n’ vinegar chips.
I do, and I had the best when I was in Ireland. My friend took me to this bar and we ordered them. WOW!!! They were so good. There were so sour they made my eyes water.
I loved it.
I also really like Peanut Butter and Picklelilly smammiches. Sweet picklelilly is better then dill, but both will do.
My grams made them for me. She is also the one who called it picklelilly. Most people call it relish.
Other weird and random things, b/c they say the first step to recovery is admitting you have the problem:
~I like things in even numbers. At times this borders on OCD.
~I like to reread parts of certain books to put me in a good mood.
~I’ve babysat so much I know almost all the theme songs to the Nick Jr. shows
~I know almost every Veggie Tale song
~I know a LOT of random things……test me
~I only have to hear a song a couple times to know almost every word. My specialty is rap.
~When I was younger I was convinced my grandpa was Mr. Clean b/c they looked alike.
~I HATED Monty Python and the Holy Grail the first time I saw it; now its one of my favorite movies.
~My friends tell me I say Chicago funny
~according to Kate I create funny Joanie-isms with my spelling errors. Example: shellfish bish.
~I can do an American version Irish Car Bomb in 3 seconds……I can do a real Irish Car Bomb in about 5.
OK that was fun. I’m sure there are more seeing as though I am an amazingly diverse person.
Yes, I meant to put diverse and not perverse. Assholes.
OK!! I am off to get ready for the BEARS GAME!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU BABY JESUS, its football time!!!!
(I realize no one cared about the above…I was just bored….just laugh at it ok… know I’m funny as hell.)
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