Thursday, March 16, 2006

Changing a Tire in the Winter, A Love Story

Back by popular demand.....the story of my coming out party into the world of a functioning adult......enjoy


There are many milestones in every girl’s life. First day of school, first crush, first kiss, learning to drive, getting married, you get the idea.

Well I would like to tell everyone about a magical moment, a HUGE first in my life. A time when I really felt like I was becoming a woman; I learned how to change a tire!

I know, I know, you are thinking “OMG JOANIE!! That is sooooo amazing! How old were you when this happened.”

Well kiddies, I was a young 18. Yes, to be so young and to be exposed to such a momentous occasion in ones life is something else. Let’s take a trip down memory lane and revisit such an amazing moment……

Picture it, December 2000. I was all done with my first semester of my freshman year at Michigan State. Chris and I were inside watching Brian’s Song (I was crying) and snuggling under a fleece blanket while outside it was -20 degree and the snow was up to our knees.

I lie their in Chris big strong arms and though, “wow, this is great.”

Little did I know there was evil afoot.

Chris: “babe, last night when I was getting the stuff out of the trunk of your car I noticed your tire was a little low”

Me: “um, ok.”

Chris: “Well have you checked the pressure, you know made sure it was right?”

Me: ::blank stare like he was speaking Canadian.

Chris: “Joanie, you do know how to check that right??” ::I shake my head:: Please tell me you have some car sense.” ::head shake:: “can you even change a tire?” I give him the no but look how cute I am look.

Chris: “Baby,” (yeah..i know..sick little pet names) “you drive from Chicago to East Lansing. You need to know these things. Ok, get up and you are going to learn.”

So after protesting about it being to cold, snow, etc. I was outside in the cold learning to change a tire.

I don’t remember all the details, but I do remember a lot of swearing, me almost doing something wrong that would cause the Honda to kill Chris, I lost ALL important screw, nuts, whatever in the snow, and the fingers turning purple.

Finally, about 1 ½ later (not counting the time it took to drive his Jeep to the car store and buy new things to hold the hub cap on) I changed my first time.

Now in my defense I am NOT an idiot, I am just completely retarded when it comes to anything dealing with cars and furnaces.

About a month later we were driving to a Red Wings game when one of the Jeep’s tires went flat.

Chris wanted me to SHOW HIM how to do it. (apparently he was that worried I would be driving to and from school and get into a freak tire changing accident)

While I struggled, he took pictures to send my mom. I got a little annoyed and stood up to yell at him, kicking the hub cap with all the screws in it (ala Ralphie from A Christmas Story). Funny man is still taking pictures and laughing.

Apparently after our last incident he went out and bought extra stuff “just in case you did it again.”


Chris and I have since broken up (we’re still friends), and he called me the other day to tell me he was going through his stuff and found those pics. (i guess they don't clean out the glove boxes in Canada) I am still useless when it comes to cars, and would prefer snuggling to changing a tire practice in -20 degrees.

Oh and I forgot the best part of that story, The Red Wings beat the Maple Leafs that night and as I won the bet he had to watch the Cutting Edge later that night.


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