Monday, December 04, 2006

Birthday Memories

My 25th birthday is in 24 days. What sucks most about my birthday is that its three days after Christmas and no one is ever really around. (Except for a certain few people who have helped me make the best out of the day!!)

What also sucks about it is that I am sick about 98% of the time. I have spent the majority of my birthdays on medication for some illness (strep throat seems to be the most popular) and even have spent about ¼ of them in the hospital.

My junior year of college birthday is the most recent hospital bound one. I was about to turn 21 and instead of gearing up for my birthday; I was in the pediatrics unit at Good Samaritan Hospital. At one point a little boy came in my room to tell me I was to old to be in the kids rooms.

Anyway, that birthday was uneventful since most of my home friends were younger then 21, my older 21 friends were in Michigan or other places and I was doped up on medication. No bar hopping for my twenty-first birthday! There were a couple other things that made it crappy, but we’ll leave that alone.

The fun came when I got back to State. My friends threw a dinner and bar experience for me, and Brett even got me an extra special surprise.

B: “well J, we all know how much you like flowers and how that ass never gets you any. So I wanted to get you some extra special flowers for your birthday. They’re no roses, but I think you will love them.”

Then be brings out these flower shaped things. Turned out he had someone widdle flowers out of POTATOES!!! They were then stuck in sticks and put in a vase made from a Parrot Bay bottle.

It was hysterical.

Anyway, we all ate some pizza and then went out boozing until the bars closed. Upon returning home to Kayla’s (so drunk I think Chad piggy backed me home) we decided to get food.

Apparently I had the amazing idea to cook the potato flowers. So I took them out of the Parrot Bay and stuck them in the microwave.

I then proceeded to poke everyone with the sticks. Meanwhile, Matt was filling water balloons and throwing them at people walking by the house.

In the middle of a Michigan January….a/k/a -5000 degrees!!!

I don’t really remember anything past that. I just remember that when I woke up the next morning, not only was I sleeping in a bed with 3 other people BUT there were potato remnants EVERYWHERE!!!!

No one really knows what happened, alls we know is that the potatoes cooked a little too long and possibly exploded. Then Tommy took them out of the microwave all deformed and when I saw them I got sad and said “You killed my potatoes.”

Apparently this was Tommy’s cue to start throwing the dead potato flowers all over the house.

Kayla was a tad pissed in the morning b/c her house was trashed. I was pissed b/c my potatoes were dead.

Yes….we’re a mature lot.

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