Wednesday, November 01, 2006

I Still Don't Get Paid Enough For This Shit

First let me say that I LOVE GRAD SCHOOL! I really do. I will graduate and become a teacher and finally be able to do something I love and I am great at..

That being said, this 3-4 hour sleep a night shit has to end. Functioning is becoming harder and harder. So I need to get my shit together and get more sleep.

I slept two hours last night. I was doing homework (read: rewriting a 15 page paper over and over and over, and reading a terrible book) and when I looked up at the clock it said 5:00 a.m. RIGHT!!!

So anyway, I am a tad out of it. I would like to thank the lovely ladies at Starbucks who put enough espresso into my coffee to give a blue whale the shakes. It is because of you that I did not fall asleep while driving on the IKE and kill people, and why my leg won’t stop shaking.

This has also made it next to impossible to work on anything, as my mind is dead. I have been to court already to file papers and have talked to about 15 clients, but I really can’t focus more then that.

However warped my mind is, I still have the uncanny ability to be a raging asshole. Aren’t we all glad that that hasn’t been impaired?

So last week boss man took me to lunch and he kept going on and on about his wife and how she hates it every time he brings up one of our clients.

(Side note: She’s a female client. She has a cute voice, but I have never seen her. Boss man wants to set her up with one of his divorced friends.)

B: “I just don’t get why bring up her name bothers my wife so much.”

~at this point and time I had been listening to him say this for about ten minutes…..

Me: “Listen, here’s the deal. It’s because you want to set up your friend with her.”

B: “What does that have to do with anything?”

Me: “ok, here’s the deal. Men set their friends up with women they would sleep with but can’t. It’s the mentality of ‘if I can’t tap that….at least you can and toy can tell me all about it!!’”

B: “Really?”

Me: “Please, don’t play stupid with me. Yes really. So when a guy sets his friends up its like saying ‘I would totally bang this chick if I wasn’t married.’ Your wife sees this as you setting your friend up so that you can vicariously bang our client.”

B: “I think you’re onto something.”

Of course I am. I worry about the Creepy Old Men’s Club because come August 2007 I won’t be here to keep them on track.

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