Friday, May 26, 2006

nakie-ness? you don't say.......

So out of boredom and knowing if you're reading this you must be bored / insane, I am going to start adding funny conversations I have with my friends on the blog.

Chances are it will be a lot of me and erica or me and dave.

Chances are I'll do this about three times before I forget. You know, they caught the dyslexia you would think they would have caught the ADD top. hmmmm

BACK STORY: Erica and my sister, Allie, will be roommates come August at good old Northern Illinois. Erica is a clean freak with a post-it addiction (remind me to blog about erica and I as house managers and our post its) and Allie is messy. Erica and I are discussing this over the AIM today.

E: what are you up to

J: I told my mom u were going to pile allies stuff up and post it things when she gets messy


E: things like Sophie

J: my mom said to go buy a couple pounds of post its

E: bahahaha!!

J: ull need them for the first week

E: poor allie

E: I think we're going to have risky business cleaning day

E: we'll put on sunglasses and blast music and clean in our underwear

J: omg

J: don't tempt her

J: she loves being naked

E: she'll love it


E: see, I know her already

J: when she was little she used to undress ni the grocery store

J: my mom never wanted to take her anywhere

E: hahahahah!!!

J: she was like walking talking kiddy porn

~~hope you understand AIM language. If not, oh well...I don;t care. I am sure you can figure this out for yourself.

~~More to come.....wonder if you find this as funny as we did, and by we i mean myself and the voices in my head.


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