Thursday, July 13, 2006

carnie show now playing in Bad Axe, MI

I’ve actually been so busy at work that I have not had time to write anything witty to entertain the masses. Sorry kids.

Well, I have already been to two weddings and am leaving today for my third.

The first wedding was Erin’s. Dave and I were thirty minutes late as map quest had us in Asia when we really wanted to be in Royal Oak.

Just as we were pulling into the church Erin and her husband (aaahhhh) were coming out. At that time I did what any self respecting person would do. I grabbed Dave and we ran through the back of the church and into the receiving line. Hey, I was there…and that was the important part.

The second wedding was Roommate’s brother’s wedding, and like the one the weekend before….this was a carnie show.

This time my co-pilot was Sarah, and instead of being in a burb of Detroit (where Sarah would have been great help since that’s her hometown area) we were on our way to Ft. Wayne, Indiana.

Basically you take a two lane highway all…the….way…down. All 101.9 miles.

So of course, since nothing can be easy…..Sarah and I were running late. The ceremony started at 6:00 eastern time. At 5:20 eastern tie we were 20 min away. At 5:35 eastern time we were lost on Yarpa Road.

At 5:45 we found the hotel, got our key, ran into the room…threw on our dresses and fixed our make-up and hair a bit and ran to the car. I swear to god we were back in the car at 5:55.

Since Sarah had to put on her makeup (I did most of my pre-hair and makeup back in Chicago) I drove. Cue us FLYING through these side streets to the church.

At 5:59 Sarah and I ran into the church and ducked into seats right before the bride’s mom was lead down the isle. Woooooo THAT WAS CLOSE!!!!

The reception was held at the Elks Lodge and Sarah and I parked in the Elk of the Year’s spot. We proceeded to drink way to much beer and dance like morons all night.

~~Please note: I LOVE Roommate’s family. ~~~~

So as this day winds to an end I am heading to yet another wedding. This time it is in the small town of Bad Axe, MI. Dave and I will be attending his friends’ wedding.

From what I am told there will be more dead animal heads mounted on the wall then people at the reception.

The groom is also wearing cowboy boots. I AM SOOOOO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!

To prepare I have been listing to country music all week. I now know the words to many “marry your cousin” type songs.

This weekend not only brings that carnie show to the surface, but it brings the side show of Sarah and I embarking on yet another road trip together. So please keep some bail money handy…..we might need it.

Peace out home slices…… week’s entry will be about this wedding and I am sure there will be some stories.

~~OH!!! I almost forgot. Bad Axe, MI is about 1 hr from East Lansing. Not only do we get to drive past Flint, MI……BUT….BUT!!!!!....we get to drive through Amish country!!!!!!!!!!!! And the car will be filled with Dave + me + Sophie (my sister’s dog) + Dave’s two cats + all our shit + Sophie’s cage….all in a cougar. A COUGAR!!! Yep….if we make it to Bad Axe alive….it will be amazing.